A concentrate for growing meat goats.
Kalmbach 6600R Breeder Plus
50 lb
Feed ad-lib along with free-choice grass hay to goat
kids from weaning to finish. Feed this complete diet
(90% dry matter basis) and hay continuously as the sole ration. Provide clean, fresh water at all times.CAUTION: Do not allow horses or other equines
access to feeds containing Monensin. Ingestion of
Monensin by horses has been fatal. Feeding undiluted or mixing errors resulting in high concentrations of
Monensin has been fatal in cattle and could be fatal in
goats. Monensin-medicated feed is intended for use in
cattle or in goats. Consumption by unapproved species
may result in toxic reaction. Do not feed to lactating
WARNING: Contains added copper. Do not feed to